Surviving the Storm (Surviving Series Book 2) Page 4
“Fair enough, but you can forget basketball. I’m still scarred over losing to you my entire childhood.”
A smile crept up the corners of my mouth.
“Am I interrupting something?”
I turned to see Jordon peeking into Ben’s office.
“Of course not.”
She walked in and placed a file on his desk.
The tortured look on his face was almost comical.
I admired her straight black skirt, which hit just above the knees. It showed off her toned legs, while her white blouse hugged her beautiful curves and the delicate line of her neck. She was professional, yet sexy as hell. It certainly hadn’t gone unnoticed by Ben.
“You look beautiful today, Jordon. New hairdo?”
My eyes tracked her body and she smiled knowingly. I was blatantly flirting with the woman my brother wanted but chose not to have.
“Never mind him, Jordon. He’s got no manners.”
I watched as Ben’s finger circled the inside of his collar, as if his oxygen was restricted.
“Is there anything else I can get for you?”
“No, thank you, Jordon. Have a nice evening.”
Then I immediately spun around to see if the coast was clear.
“Remind me again why you’re not tapping that?”
Ben cringed.
“Because she’s my boss. Besides, I’m not interested.”
“You’re lying. You know you want her, and she’s totally fuckable.”
“Believe what you want, Alex.”
He busied himself, shutting down his computer and locking his door.
“You do recall that you have an office of your own here? Down the hall?”
“I do.” I let out a dramatic sigh. “Although why you insist on maintaining it is a mystery to me. Besides, this is really not my favorite place, Ben.”
“Yeah, I get it. Ready?”
“I was born ready.”
I jiggled the keys to my Audi R8 as he made a face.
“Fuck, that can only mean trouble.”
Chapter Five
Sometime during the last hour it had grown dark. It had been a long, emotional day. I had replayed the scene, our kiss, and how his body had felt over mine the entire trip home. I’d been ignoring Graham as well, still upset over the fact he’d been secretly tracking me.
As I dropped my keys and purse on the black marble counter, it gleamed in the moonlight. It was just one of the many characteristics I admired about my new place. I was pouring myself a glass of wine when abrupt banging on the door startled me. I made my way to the peephole. Outside stood a very anxious and angry-looking Graham.
Fuck, he’d flown here?
I opened the door.
“You’ve been ignoring my calls.”
I had little time to think, because the man radiated tension the moment he walked through my door. Then he turned abruptly.
“Why is that?”
“Why were you tracking me? Answer that.”
It felt like we were two locomotives playing chicken, and neither of us was willing to swerve.
“Because I didn’t trust you, Madison.”
His jaw clenched. There was a definite note of annoyance in his voice.
I swallowed and stepped back.
“I know about Alex, too.”
I felt a sudden pang, and I instantly knew that his unforgiving tone had merit.
A cool, sadistic smile twitched on his face, and I was certain I was missing something. Where was his hurt and disappointment?
“I understand, and I’m sorry, Graham. You have justifiable trust issues.” Genuine concern rippled through me, for reasons completely unknown to me. “Are you asking for your ring back?”
His hand captured my chin, forcing our eyes to meet. I stared into his familiar eyes. They were empty and angry now.
“You’re mine, Madison. I own you. We will be married, and soon.”
He let go of me abruptly, leaving marks. His little power play wouldn’t get him the results he was after, though.
“We’ll see about that, Graham. I don’t allow men to strong-arm me, or ever touch me the way you just did.”
“That wouldn’t be wise, Madison.”
His words cut me to the quick, and his callous manner stretched me to the breaking point.
“Colonel Perry has ensured this marriage will take place.”
I tensed immediately at this, trying to make sense of the chaos.
“What does my father have to do with any of this?”
“He’s my golden ticket, Madison.”
The confusion and turmoil swirling inside of me brought my world to a stop.
“I need to call him.”
I looked for my phone in my handbag.
“I wouldn’t do that.” He slammed his palm on the leather purse, blocking me. “The way I see it, the only way this will work is if your father’s dirty little secrets are not exposed.”
An eerie silence drifted between us, and I was unsure if I wanted to know what was coming.
When I didn’t move, his face was suddenly inches from mine.
“Want to see how far I can push you, Madison?”
His outburst told me he meant business, so I sat.
“It was a long time ago.”
Sitting in the chair directly opposite mine, his tone remained impassive, but he didn’t fool me. There was a volcano under the surface, just about ready to erupt.
“It was ten years ago, actually. I was army intelligence. Your father was in command. We had one objective: protect the village vulnerable to the cartel. Colonel Perry believed he could trust his men, but that was his first mistake.”
I tried to steady myself, but my insides were churning. Graham rested his forearms on his knees, causing the distance to change between us.
“The colonel and I approached the village thirty minutes behind the men. We heard the screams loud and clear. Running hut to hut, we knew our men were outnumbered, and we felt something terrible had gone wrong. But that wasn’t the case, Madison.”
A few tears escaped my eyes. I was terrified what his next words would be, but I was met with silence, as if he was toying with my emotions.
“Go on,” I said. I needed to know all of it.
“The troop’s behavior was despicable. The women screamed and pleaded with our soldiers, but they were at their mercy in the end.”
His eyes met mine without a hint of emotion.
“I witnessed firsthand what our men did to them. Forcing themselves upon them. Raping them. I saw the emptiness in the eyes of the women afterward. They wouldn’t recover from the brutality of what the men had done to them. It would be etched in their souls forever. These had been soldiers assigned to protect them.”
“What did my father do?”
The images I’d conjured up in my head filled me with disgust.
“He shot off live round after live round of his fully automatic M-16 rifle in the air, hoping the men would respond in attack mode, and they did. But the damage had already been done.”
He paused, and I wondered how he could act so cavalier, so cold, so removed.
“Then he covered it up.”
The tiny hairs on my arm lifted. I choked back my words. The father I knew would never have done that. He would have disciplined his soldiers and made sure the women were helped in some way. I tried to steady myself, but dread flooded me.
“So, what does this have to do with me?”
He just grinned maliciously at me.
“You were my payoff.”
His words were calm, but the edge in his voice frightened me. I thought I might pass out from shock and nervous anxiety.
“Why me?”
“Your father carried your picture everywhere, even into combat. You’d be surprised what that could mean to a soldier on the brink of death. I wanted you then, and I want you now.
“As a possession,” I spit out.
p; “If that’s the only way I can get you, then yes.”
My hands twisted and fisted in rage, and when I looked at Graham, I saw the eyes of a stranger: cold, distant, and calculating. He had the control, and we both knew it.
“You can’t go to your father, Madison. He can’t ever find out that you know the truth. It would kill him. Imagine the repercussions, the shame—even the risk.”
He stood, about to take his leave. His business finished, his threat in place, he knew he had me under his thumb.
“Let’s make this merger as painless as possible, shall me?”
“Merger? How fucking romantic.”
I fought to maintain control as he closed the door and walked out. Then he was gone, and I let myself fall apart. I had no one to turn to, no one to share the weight of this nightmare.
Barefoot at the water’s edge with the sea licking at my ankles, the water was cold, and my feet felt numb. Staring at the dark sky, I blinked back the tears. Foolishly, I had believed in and trusted the men in my life. But I had been deceived and lied to. I was simply a chip to be bargained with, and now I was thoroughly humiliated.
In that moment, the clouds parted and a full moon exposed itself. It shone like a beacon of hope. The darkness around me disappeared, and a small glimmer of light led me to the path I should follow. For the first time in my life, I had a real family, and a big brother to turn to. And that’s exactly what I would do. Fight.
He answered the call on the first ring.
I understood his surprise. I’d never called his cell before.
“Theo, I’m in trouble.”
“What ever it is, you don’t have to be scared. I’ve got you.”
He didn’t ask for details or push me for explanations. He was just present for me in my time of need. He trusted that all would reveal itself soon.
“Can we meet in your office tomorrow?”
“Of course.”
“Will you ask Steel to join us?”
I knew his radar would be on high alert with that request, but after knowing what Steel was capable of, I decided it was a smart move to have him there. I’d fly charter. Graham’s open account would prove to be quite useful after all.
“Yes, I’ll contact him tonight. Noon?”
I agreed.
“Oh, and Theo?” I hesitated at the feeling of unfamiliar allegiance. Blood was thicker than water, they said, and knowing it gave me a safe place to land. “You have no idea how much this means to me.”
“I understand, Madison. I do.”
When I entered his office, Steel rose to greet me with a firm handshake and a welcoming smile. Theo, on the other hand, pulled me into a warm hug. His brotherly compassion leveled me, and I had to swallow the lump in my throat to continue.
I shifted uncomfortably. I was aware of both pair of eyes riveted on me as I told my tale. I exposed the truth in great detail, Graham’s words reiterated word for word. Both men hid their emotions well, obviously both trained to do so. It allowed me to proceed without interruption.
There was a feeling of satisfaction, baring my soul. I wasn’t alone anymore. Yes, my plans for the future had withered, but that only meant it had left room for a new future, one that wouldn’t be based on lies. If Graham thought I was going to roll over without a fight, he was sadly mistaken.
“You’re going to have to keep up the charade, Madison,” Steel said. “We need time to investigate. I don’t want to give Graham any clues as to what our intentions are.”
Suddenly a worrisome thought drifted into my head.
“Can I share this with Eden? I have so many questions.”
The matching frowns on both men’s faces answered my question quickly.
“Maddie, you can’t, but I can answer any questions you have, so please let me help.”
A slightly wounded look appeared across Theo’s face, but it disappeared quickly. I bit my lip, stalling as a wave of embarrassed heat rushed up my neck.
“What about sex?” I spit out. “We’re engaged.” I held up my hand, pointing to the ring on my finger. “He will expect it, and possibly force it.”
“Avoidance,” Steel answered quickly.
“You could come live with us, Maddie. Eden would love it.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll sort it out. How could I explain that to Graham, he’d never agree. I have a new job to consider, that would be my best defense.”
At least he’s across the country. That should complicate his opportunities a bit.
Bottom line: in my case, it seemed as if the daughter was paying for the sins of the father.
Fuck that.
“Madison,” Steel began, “I would avoid approaching your father on the subject, at least for now. It’s not the right course of action at this time. I think we can all agree on that. Coming from a military background, I know soldiers. We are brothers, and we watch each other’s backs, even if one of us strays. The code of ethics is held in the highest regard. I don’t believe for one second the story Graham Carrington told you is real, and I will do everything in my power to prove him wrong.”
At the end of our meeting, Theo placed an arm around my shoulder.
“Or here’s an idea. Eden could come visit you and stay for a while.”
I smiled at his generous offer.
“That would suck for you, though,” I teased, finding comfort in his unbreakable spirit.
“I’ll manage.”
This man before me represented my new family. I had never doubted his sincerity. He was strong, someone I could trust—even lean on. I would hold on tight right now, because as it stood, my future was incredibly uncertain.
Chapter Six
The morning sun pierced through my window, abruptly awakening me and rudely intruding on my beauty sleep. I rolled over, thinking I might get a few more minutes of shut-eye, but no. Visions of blonde hair and blue eyes made it abundantly clear that it was time to get up. Dreams of Madison haunted my night, and they also preoccupied my day.
Coffee first. On the way, I picked up my phone and noticed two messages. The first was from Theo, an invite. Eden had left to visit Madison in Sacramento. When jealously bubbled to the surface, it only proved that I’d hit a new low.
I sent a quick text back to say I’d be over later as I waited the longest two minutes of my life for the Bunn coffee maker to brew. Once the caffeine had filtered through my veins, I listened to the second message.
“Alex Storm, a blast from the past here.” Then her voice wavered. “It’s Janelle Rolex, from college. If the name rings a bell, then you’d be right. I need some legal advice as soon as possible, and you can reach me at this number.”
And with that, she hung up. Janelle. Shit, it had been years ago since I’d last seen her, in college. I remembered that night she had played Matt and I against each other. It had backfired big time. She had been broken back then. I could only hope that she had got the help she’d needed somewhere along the way. But why me? Why now? This required a call to follow up, and then a face-to-face.
I showered and walked around in my towel in search of my laptop. I decided to google her name, my curiosity getting the better of me. I didn’t want to steo into this blind, so I typed in her name. The usual social media sites turned up nothing earth-shattering. She was in the society sites, attending fund raisers and often seen with influential, rich and famous people. It was hard to fathom what she would need from me now. Certainly, she must have had a slew of lawyers on retainers. Big ones, too. So, it wasn’t that. Well, there was only one way to find out.
I dialed her number, and she answered on the first ring.
“Alexander Storm,” she said in a singsong voice, as if happy to hear from me. “I’m so glad you returned my call.”
“Of course, Janelle. We go way back.”
“Don’t we now? I’ll get to the point. As a corporate lawyer, I’m
in need of your services.”
Why, though? I still didn’t get it.
Her tenacity hadn’t withered over the years. She’s never been afraid to ask for what she wanted.
“I may not be suited to meet your needs, Janelle,” I finally replied. But I knew I wasn’t about to get off that easy.
“Let’s meet, and we can decide then. Monday?”
I wanted to ask more, but it looked like I would have to wait.
“Fine. I’ll meet you at the Storm Enterprises building, top floor.”
“Okay, I’ll see you then.”
I cursed my luck.
I had shut down my private law practice a couple of years ago when philanthropy had become my new passion. I’d gone on African adventures and a safari. I’d seen an elephant orphanage and helped build a school from nothing. I’d never accomplished anything that had given me such pride and purpose as that trip. It was something real, something that I actually cared about. Maybe it was time to go back?
I headed for the R-8, the heat hitting me full force. Today was going to be hotter than hell. Madison was still rattling my cage, day and night. I had begun stalking her on the Internet, trying to find her apartment on Google Earth. It sounded creepy, I knew. Oddly, this realization didn’t give me any cause for alarm.
I white-knuckled the steering wheel the entire trip to Theo’s—or was it still Eden’s? Along the way, I stopped to pick up a six-pack of beer. When I arrived, I walked up the path leading to the front door and knocked.
The smile slipped from Theo’s face the second he opened the door.
“You, alright?”
I pushed the beer to his chest and walked right passed him. In all fairness, I was taking my frustration out on Theo. It wouldn’t be long before Dr. Grant would show up as my punishment.
I slumped on the couch in defeat. “So,” I said, placing my feet on the expensive coffee table. I received a disapproving raised brow in return. “Why is Eden visiting Madison?”
His acknowledging nod told me he’s figured out that I was in a pissy mood. Keeping a wary eye on me as he threw the beer in the refrigerator, he carried back two. Then he sat opposite in me in his chair and tossed me a cold one.