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Surviving the Storm (Surviving Series Book 2) Page 6

  “I put the ring on my dresser when I go to the manufacturer.”

  I decided I might as well throw out a viable explanation before being asked.

  “Put. It. On.”

  My nerves were spinning wildly around in my stomach, but I approached him and did just that.

  The corner of his mouth twitched.


  He wasn’t pleased with my sarcastic response. I knew the look, but I wasn’t backing down to anyone anymore—especially Graham.

  “Ever heard of calling before dropping by?”

  He had a slippery quality about him, like a snake, and I didn’t appreciate it one bit.

  “Why? Hiding something?”

  “You would know.”

  He rubbed the back of his neck in apparent annoyance, but I knew he had eyes on me of some sort. It made perfect sense after I had uninstalled the tracker app. Otherwise, how would he have known when Eden left?

  “Make no mistake about it.” His eyes pierced through me with intensity, signaling he meant business. “Our engagement party is this Saturday. I expect you to be back in New York on Friday.”

  I wasn’t sure how far I could push him, or how far he would go. Would I suffer bodily harm if I refused? I tended to lean towards a strong yes.

  “To what do I owe this unexpected pleasure, Graham?”

  He was visibly taken off guard by my one-eighty.

  “I’ll be staying here tonight.”

  Without skipping a beat, I quickly nodded.

  “That’s fine, but I’ve decided that we should wait until our wedding night to consummate our marriage.”

  “That’s interesting, since we’ve already had sex.”

  “Call me old-fashioned then—unless you plan on forcing me.”

  And there it was, my biggest fear laid out. I felt incredibly vulnerable, frightened, and exposed.

  “I didn’t think so.”

  I answered for him, before he had the opportunity to respond.

  His hooded eyes let me know that he was in charge, though, and used to getting his own way. A silly little word like no meant nothing to him.

  “You can take the couch.”

  I left, gathering bedding as my hands finally started to shake. The adrenaline pumping through me caused nausea to bubble to the surface. I immediately ran to the bathroom, and just in time.

  I didn’t know how much longer I could go on with this charade, continuing to perpetuate a lie I wanted no part of. The man was totally unpredictable, possibly even dangerous.

  I just had to get through tonight, I told myself, and steer clear of him.

  Work would be my escape in the morning.


  I woke up early. The sun was just beginning to pop. I quickly showered, dressed, and made my way toward the kitchen.

  There he sat already, drinking coffee, his eyes on my every move. His fingers tented and paused. The tension crackled through the air.

  I glanced at his tense face.


  For the briefest of moments, I saw a flash of the Graham I’d once known, but then it disappeared instantly.

  “Let’s not make this harder than it has to be, Madison.” His tone was distant and cold. “You do realize I’m just humoring you, right? If I wanted to, I would have taken what’s mine last night.”

  I listened attentively, cringing at the very thought. I had no trouble believing his threats. He was definitely capable of forcing himself on me. The thought made my blood run cold.

  “The invitations have been sent out, so you might want to mark your calendar. Four weeks from today.”

  This was something he had failed to share with me last night. My fighting spirit was only a front, though. The emotional havoc on my nerves was off the charts. I let out a nervous laugh, when in reality, I was crumbling before my own eyes.

  “I think I can manage that.”

  I told myself that I could breathe now.

  “Gee, and I thought I may have had a fight on my hands. But you know that wouldn’t be wise.”

  “And miss the fun arguing with your mother over china patterns? Not on your life.”

  The only thing that mattered now was appeasing him until Steel came through.

  Suddenly, without any warming, he was up and in my face. The atmosphere turned nasty quickly when the darkness inside of him appeared. He grabbed my elbow, his fingers purposely digging in hard, but I didn’t cry out or pull away. I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.

  “Is this a preview of what our marriage will be like?” I asked, not allowing the fear to show in my eyes.

  “It doesn’t have to be, Madison.”

  “I’m not afraid of you,” I told him, yanking my arm free.

  “Aren’t you?”


  “I’ll see you Friday.”

  I watched as he walked out the door, then I gave a sigh of relief. I was overcome with rage, to the point of madness. I doubted whether I could pull this thing off. I scrolled through my phone, searching for Steel’s number.

  I dialed and he picked up on the first ring.

  “Steel Archer.”

  His deep, rich voice had a soothing quality, instantly causing me to feel less alone.

  “It’s Madison Perry.” Unable to control my emotions, I swallowed the lump in my throat. “My situation has escalated.” A sob from deep within me escaped as I shared the new dates. “Time’s running out. You have to help me. Now.”

  “I understand. I have a few leads I’m presently working on.”

  “What leads? Tell me everything.”

  I was sure he could hear the outright panic in my voice.

  “I have been searching out each individual soldier, one by one. They are scattered around the country, and the world. I’ve already spoken to two men. They deny the story is real.”

  I was hanging on to his every word.

  “I don’t have the authority for polygraphs. There would have to be a formal investigation for that. And there’s no mention and no records supporting Graham Carrington’s claim.”

  “I don’t trust him,” I said.

  “And with good reason. If he’s a liar—and I strongly believe he is—I’ll prove it, Madison. You can count on that.”

  A small ray of hope floated through me at this, and I savored the moment. Yet at the same time, there was a ticking time bomb on my back, and only Steel and his men had the power to destroy it—and him.

  “I’ll be in New York Friday.” I was still feeling unsure, and very frightened. “I’m not sure I can do this.”

  “For what it’s worth, I believe you can. Theo has given me carte blanche, meaning I have full authority to cross oceans, countries, and continents—whatever it takes to free you from this parasite. I’ll be in touch.”

  And with that said, he hung up.

  Theo had done all this? The man had become my family, my big brother, and my protector in such a short time. An unfamiliar warmth spread through my body, despite my inner turmoil. I was not alone anymore.

  Chapter Eight


  As the mechanical drapes started to open, the brutal sun washed over me like a cold bucket of water.

  “Do I have to drag your sorry ass out of bed?”

  I squinted at the offensive human causing my head to pound. My dire thirst would have to come first, however, so I reached for the water on the side of the bed.

  “Where are we?”

  At my first question, I laughed to myself. Hey, I might have still been a little drunk!

  “The Ritz,” Janelle whispered, drawing the word out long and slow.

  The Ritz…The Ritch… Nope, nothing was coming to me.

  “Why are you so spunky this early? It’s disgusting.”

  I heard her laugh as the sound echoed in my brain.

  “It’s about being seen, and impressing people—the right people.”

  I let out a moan.

  “Are you trying to kill me?
I didn’t sign up for this.”

  It was all a terrible sham, and this thing was trickier than I’d expected. Taking stock of the situation, I realized I had to continue this since I’d committed to helping her. I wouldn’t abandon her now, even if she was a lunatic.

  “Hardly. Besides, I thought you were a party boy?”

  I raised my head to look at her face.

  “In college!” I yelled, cringing through the pain in my head.

  Fuck, we needed to put some rules in place.

  “So dramatic, Alex.”

  “I’ve come to the conclusion that this plan was doomed from the start.”

  “Admit it: you had fun.”

  “Did I?”

  “Get up. It’s Vegas next. I have the jet on standby. I’ve already dropped some feelers to the paparazzi, so you need to be camera ready again.”

  “Okay, but seriously, we have to have some new guidelines if this is going to work.”

  Turning off my inner moral compass might have been a bad call, after all. I decide right then and there that the drinking will stop—at least for me.

  Later we boarded the exclusive private jet Life of the Rich and Famous. It was luxury on a whole different level. It definitely put our company plane to shame. I’d been chugging water all morning. I nodded to my partner in crime when I had to, but I mostly keep quiet the entire flight, dozing in and out my body as it reprimanded me for my deliberate abuse of it.

  When we exited the plane, we literally went from the tarmac to the front entrance of the Bellagio. I rushed to the entrance, opening the door for Janelle as the camera flashes went wild. They were calling out both of our names now. Some of the idiots were even combining our names to Janelle-ex or Alex-elle.


  Janelle leaned in close at one point and whispered triumphantly in my ear.

  “It’s working!”

  As we entered the hotel, we were greeted by the manager. He personally escorted us to our suite on the top floor. The bags soon followed. This was more than I had ever imagined. There was rich, and then there was Rolex rich.

  But the luxurious treatment was going to get old real quick. I was already bored with the privileged lifestyle. I had proved that by giving up my firm and leaving for Africa.

  And then there was Madison. I still had every intention of winning her over. She captivated my imagination, and wherever I went, she seemed to follow. I didn’t sleep at night, and I spent my days reliving our last kiss. To my surprise, there was no amount of alcohol that could make it all go away.

  As Janelle and I headed for the tables, my arm hung casually draped over her shoulder. “We’re on.” I whispered in her ear, and she laughed, making it all seem very believable. Then she handed me a dozen or so five-hundred-dollar chips. I acted as if I did this often, but I knew my mask was slowly starting to slip. My eyebrows spoke volumes as they hit my hairline.

  A few minutes later, Janelle placed her first bet and lost, and I promptly follow suit.

  Then I was interrupted by a call from Theo.

  This couldn’t be good.

  “Hey, buddy,” I answered, excusing myself to head to a private part of the room.

  “Where are you?”

  His tone sounds all innocent.


  I deliberately gave him a one-word answer, knowing it would get under his skin.

  “And why are you plastered across the page of every tabloid with Janelle Rolex?”

  He’s being judgmental. I can tell.

  “I’m helping her.”

  “How is that helping her, exactly?’

  “It’s complicated.”

  The dead silence on the other end causes me to think that’ he’s hung up.

  “Are you still there?

  “Yes. When will you be home? I need to talk to you.”

  “I don’t know. A couple days?”

  “Suit yourself.” He was definitely angry now. “Just call when you get back. The sooner the better.”

  After he hung up, I thought he seriously needed to get a life and stay out of mine. Of course, the thought of his disappointment gnawed at me all the same.

  I walked back to the table, and Janelle’s eyes were bright with excitement.

  “I won!”

  She was so filled with energy that I returned her smile. Regardless of what Theo may have wanted, I kept my promises. My legal and social commitment to Janelle still stood, but I knew Theo well enough to know he wouldn’t reach out to ask for my help if he didn’t truly need me.

  I leaned seductively into Janelle, my arm resting across the back of her chair.

  “We’re leaving tomorrow,” I whispered in her ear. “A new development needs my attention.”

  She nodded and took advantage of our closeness, kissing me. I saw the flash of a camera and thought that was enough to seal the deal for tonight.


  The lush aircraft had all the perks as we made our way back to Reno. I broke the no-drinking rule as soon as I saw the black champagne bottle on the tray.

  “To us,” Janelle toasted.

  Our glasses clinked, and I took a sip.

  “Hey, can I ask you something?”

  Her subtle wink answered as a yes. As she twisted to meet my gaze, her head rested on the thick cushion of the captain’s recliner.

  “Don’t you want to get out there and find someone, authentically? Something real, like love? Something that could last forever?”

  As she mulled it over, the faraway look in her eyes was disturbing.

  “I thought I had it.” She turned her body toward me, as if there was so much more to say. “I’m better off with casual encounters. What happened to me made me feel worthless, foolish—even gullible. I’m just not willing to gamble my heart away anymore.”

  “I understand, but if you meet someone during our ‘epic plan,’ go for it.”

  “Hey, just because I’m choosy doesn’t mean I’ve been looking for a one-nighter.”

  “Are you trying to be difficult?” I asked, pushing the glass of champagne away.

  “Yes. And I hear you. I’m not so damaged to give up on love entirely, but I’m giving my heart a time-out.”

  For a brief moment, I fully understood what she was saying. Wasn’t that what I was doing, too? Tucking my heart into a safe place until I was ready to find happiness again?

  “What about you, Mr. Storm? Who broke you?”

  Her unsettling hazel eyes focused on me, as if she could see right to the very shattered part of me. The damage was still mending very slowly.

  “Yes, I’m intimately familiar with what it feels like to have my heart broken.”

  Madison choosing someone else as I waited in the wings for scraps was over. I had officially released her now. But telling my heart was an entirely different thing. And how do I exorcise her from my soul?

  “Ah, two broken hearts, hiding in the darkness.”

  I poured her a refill, and we’re quiet during our remaining time in the air.


  As I drove to Theo and Eden’s house, I was filled with trepidation, knowing I was about to be grilled over the Janelle situation. It concerned me more than I cared to admit. Despite my best efforts, I still cared what Theo thought, and I knew that he wouldn’t understand or support what I was doing. I had to prepare myself for that.

  The sense of comfort and safety I felt when I stepped over the threshold was just a front. I wasn’t prepared at all for what was about to happen.

  “Sit, Alex.”

  Theo led me toward the couch as both him and Eden curled up on the opposing sofa.

  “So, Janelle? Care to explain?”

  He was casually sipping his coffee, but the tense undercurrent was too strong to be denied.

  “I would if I could, but attorney-client privilege dictates her privacy.”

  A soft chuckle escaped Theo’s throat.

  “Is that right?”

  Our eyes met in a challenge of
sorts. Disapproval hovered over him in a cloud of dark suspicion. He was right to question my actions, as well as my reluctance to elaborate with any details. I knew it only frustrated him more. I could see it as he cocked his head, attempting to read me, but I would put a stop to that.

  “So, is this the reason you wanted to talk to me? Because we could have had this conversation on the phone, in Vegas, and I’d still be by the pool—tops optional, of course—enjoying a fruity cocktail.”

  Theo managed a deadpan expression, unlike Eden, who totally wore her heart on her sleeve. When I finally stopped staring at them, I realized invisible red flags were flying high, and my heart started hammering in my chest. Concern for their welfare rushed through me at full speed.

  “What’s wrong? Did something happen?”

  “We’re family,” Theo said simply, and Eden nodded in agreement.

  My suspicious glare bounced from one set of eyes to the other.

  “And as family, we stick together.”

  I found myself nodding, too.

  “I’ve always considered you my brother, or as close as any brother can be.”

  Theo was pulling out all the stops, and the tiny hairs on my arm rose, warning me of impending danger.

  “We realize this may be an uncomfortable situation, but we need your support on our side,” Eden said quietly.

  It didn’t compute, but I didn’t want to let my guard down. Not yet, at least.

  “Level with me, guys. What’s going on? Do you need my sperm or something?”

  Eden giggled at this, but Theo was completely irritated.

  “It’s Madison,” Theo said instead, causing a physical ache in my chest.

  I inhaled, slowly preparing for the worse.

  “She really needs our support right now. She only has her parents—and us,” Eden said as she circled the three of us with her finger.

  “Support for what? In English, please.”

  “Her engagement party in New York on Friday.”

  I exploded off the couch. I had known that something was off, but having it confirmed only made things worse. It appeared as if my torture still wasn’t over.

  “Have you lost your minds?”