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Forgotten Chance: Book Three (Forgotten Trilogy) Page 6
Forgotten Chance: Book Three (Forgotten Trilogy) Read online
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“You must be Nathan and Bryer, the sunset ceremony.”
“Yes, sir, Mr. Kale’,” Nathan offered his hand. “I’m Nathan and this is my bride to be, Bryer.”
“I just have a few questions.” He began. “Do you want a traditional script or do you want to personalize the ceremony?
“What about a combination of both?” Nathan suggested, and reached for my hand.
“The skies the limit, literally.” Mr. Kale’ said gesturing with a wide sweep of his arm. The chapel had tons of character, with gorgeous exposed beams, free-standing European stained-glass windows, it felt like I was on top of the world. “Many couples want to speak from the heart, so I can accommodate a mixture of both.”
“If there’s nothing else, we’ll meet you just before sunset.” Nathan said with one arm wrapped tightly around my waist.
“Just add your own prince charming and we’re ready to go.” Mr. Kale’ said with a teasing smile.
“I have and I can’t wait to marry him.”
“The next time I’ll see you I’ll be at the altar.” Nathan said.
And we said our goodbyes with a simple turn around. And I knew I would move heaven and earth for this man, he was my forever for decades to come. How lucky was I to have known such love? This day would be etched in my mind forever, celebrating each fond memory in my mind until my dying day.
I returned to the room only to find my mother’s journal in my bag. Even now, all those years after her passing I run to her. Memories of love and laughter filled my heart and I couldn’t help but wish that she was here to share in this glorious day. But she was gone, and I found myself desperately searching for her voice to soothe me, her arms to hold me, and her wisdom to guide me.
I am my mother’s legacy, and I still needed her.
The first time I saw you take your first steps my heart lifted in pride. You caught me watching and you laugh. Oh, that smile had the power to stir a thousand butterflies in my stomach.
I witnessed you come alive when you learned your ABC’s. And now you’re five, and so very curious. I watched you learn what a caterpillar felt like to climb over your hand. I watched you sleep and your beauty radiates from within you.
Your first day of kindergarten brought tears to my eyes. But they were growing pains for us both. I started working part time in David’s office. I’ve trained with him for the past year, and we both felt I was ready to start assisting with investments, life insurance, planning people’s future and our own.
The good Lord had yet to bless us with another child, but we don’t talk about it anymore.
I gave my mom an ultimatum, to leave my father, and come live with us, or there would be minimal contact. I just couldn’t expose Bryer and my family to the abuse. And it broke my heart to see her die a little each day. I got updates from their neighbors; the police were called. Once she had to go to the hospital, I showed up but she still wouldn’t listen to reason. So, I accepted her decision right or wrong. And embraced my happiness, and the life I’d built with my own family.
Dear Bryer, my sweet girl you are so smart, and funny, I encourage those traits, more than your beauty, which is evident. I want you to know you’re more than a pretty face, you can be whatever you want to be. You will grow to be strong and independent woman and live the life destined for you and you alone.
I love you more than my next breath, always know that I am inside your heart and you are inside of mine.
“Knock, knock. Maid of honor at your service.”
“Hi, come in.” I said closing the journal and slipping it into my bag. “You’re all wet, were you swimming in the pool?
“Pfft. No, the ocean. I discovered I scream the same way whether I’m about to be eaten by a shark or if a piece of seaweed touches my leg.”
I doubled over in laughter, a loud cackle burst out loud and harsh.
Gen had that something, she could pick up on sarcasm and witty one-liners then throw them back at you in the blink of an eye, which only stroked her ego in all the right places. She was a real-life unique oddity in the funny department when she opened up a whole new level of humorous possibilities. Truly hilarious girls were rare, and Gen had a beautifully twisted mind. And what comes out of her mouth would shock a sailor with delight.
Gen shimmied into her skirt and flowing top which was a vivid reminder of what Nathan and I saw earlier.
“Where shall we start?” She asked.
“You can start with what happened this morning.”
“This morning, what are you talking about?”
In previous relationships Gen was used to being the pretty one, the popular one and always the funny one, men would sit for hours just listening to her speak, in complete awe of her brilliance pouring out of her mouth. And not to mention the package it was wrapped in. Not just pretty, ripped from the pages of playboy pretty. And not just funny, belly laugh and bring you to tears funny.
“Clayton. Deck. Ring a bell?”
“Oh… well, yeah.”
“That’s not an answer. “
Where was my bestie with the unique ability to look at any situation in an unconventional way and make me appreciate and love her that much more? Where was the witty girl with the dirty mind?
“Don’t worry, I’ll just keep him in rotation.”
There she was. Clayton challenged her neck and neck for the title. She probably even took the cake. She could banter and deliver a punch about the most mundane truths about life in a way that made her irresistible.
“How do you know anyway, did Clayton say something?”
“We were unfortunate to witness the exhibition on your deck this morning.”
“Oh. Well, Clayton doesn’t have the patience to discover a grown-up relationship, he rather it be instantaneously presented to him on a silver platter. No, it takes wisdom and maturity to understand and appreciate the depths of a woman like me.”
“Clayton’s like the kindergartener who pushes down the girl he likes, because he doesn’t know any other way to show you how he feels.”
“He found one way.”
We laughed until our belly’s ached.
Maybe Clayton would eventually figure out that the hottest girl in the room had more to offer than appearance alone. And with some effort he could open up her vulnerable aspects. And figure out that Gen only got more beautiful the more you discovered about her. And like me, he could learn wonderful things the more he got to know her. Like the fact she wasn’t afraid to be completely and utterly herself, and made no apologies for who she was. She didn’t care if people thought she was weird, in fact she was far from perfect and knew it, she would always show you she was only human and you’d love her for it.
“So.” I said. “It’s time to get ready, what are you planning?”
I was in good hands, she rummaged through a bag of beauty aids. Then sat me in front of the mirror to witness the transformation.
I watched her every move, realizing I would never put this much effort into my face and hair. She pinned sections in loops to create a soft spiral curl. Then I was warned within an inch of my life, never brush or even comb it, she would only be running her fingers through it to soften each perfectly placed wave.
She turned me in the chair to face her and began with moisturizer, then primer. She swore it would help give me an even canvas look, then explained in detail how it helped smooth fine lines. Now it was time for concealer to disguise dark circles, and that green could neutralize red she explained. Nice.
Your face was not complete without foundation, and proceeded to recite the hundreds of different kinds, for the many different skin types. Next up; get my fake glow or rosy tone by applying bronzer, and remember to smile while doing so.
Now it was time to move on to applying eye makeup. She got her eyebrow pencil, eye shadow, eyeliner, and mascara. Brows; apparently bigger i
s better nowadays. When applying eye shadow first dust color onto the lids, then follow up with the crease color, and finally place a dab of highlighter along the brow bone for that natural look. The final step mascara, but oh God make sure you prep with a base primer first.
I was so done with my face.
“Wait, wait. We’re almost at the end.” Gen said and whipped out a lip liner the same shade as the lipstick and told me to pout. “Kiss, kiss.”
“I’m not going to look like Tammy Faye, am I? Gen, promise me.”
“Ye of little faith.” She smirked. “I promise you will be soaring like an angel when you walk out the door.”
“That’s a tall order.”
I patiently waited through every step, without complaint. Then as she unfolded every curl that was perfectly pinned in place, and I could feel them cascade down my back. I admit, it was exciting.
“Ta-da.” She said as she slowly turned the chair. “Flawless.”
I sat facing the mirror, stunned into silence. I began waving my hands in front of my eyes to stop the waterworks.
“No tears, and don’t touch anything, I’ll dress first then help you with yours.”
Gen stepped from the second bedroom dressed in her beautiful off the shoulder gown, the color of sand. Timelessly classy. Her hair in a wavy twist that rested on her right shoulder, then proceeded to make up her face.
There was a knock on the door.
“I’m kinda’ busy right now.” Gen yelled over her shoulder.
“I’ll get it.”
I opened the door to find a young man holding my bouquet and a box.
“Aloha ma’am here are the flowers you ordered, and this is from your groom.”
The bouquet was stunning, white roses and orchards with green accents cascading over the sides. Then I opened the card.
This was my mothers. I’ve been waiting my entire life to pass it on to the woman who would be my wife. Just remember both of our mothers are here today looking down from heaven with joy in their heart.
I love you,
I opened the lid, and in it sat a bezel set solitaire pendant with a round cut diamond in yellow gold. An elegant heirloom with a sense of history and antiquity. Paired with simple formal earrings Nathan gave me, which was suitable for the classiest of affairs.
“Oh, Bryer, it’s lovely. Here, let me put it on you, then the dress.”
I slipped on the flowing strapless white dress with a sweetheart neckline, cinched bodice, adorned with crystals scattered in a beautiful pattern. The floor-length silk slid over my body perfectly. The tapered sheer overlay added a femininity to the simple design. Gen glided a floral hair comb with veil, a half-crown design with delicate flowers only in the back flowed gracefully down my back.
I caught my own reflection in the cheval full-length mirror, momentarily my heart stopped. I didn’t recognize the image reflecting back, something truly magical was happening.
Gen handed me a glass of pink champagne.
“To take the edge off.”
“What time is it?” I asked.
“It’s time.”
The Wedding
As I stood on the podium. I was surrounded by spectacular views, an enormous mountain range with lush green cliffs all seen from a distance. The far-off sounds of crashing waves, the sun dropping low over the horizon now etched in my mind forever. The air cooled and lingered in my bones as I waited.
Soft twinkling lights and cascading florals adorned the mesmerizing architecture rising high into the sky. Muted light fought its way through the stained-glass partitions as I anxiously glanced towards the door.
A vision of white cascaded elegantly down the three steps leading to the threshold. A newfound weightlessness came over me as I gazed at the beautiful creature; the sun softly reflected in the light, a compliment to her stillness. My palms grew damp at the sight of her. Her eyes ran over me from head to toe, she smiled and her gaze dropped to break the spell. Her bashfulness was endearing, it was one of her most attractive qualities.
The wedding day was a whirlwind of activity. True to her word Gen had taken the burden of stress off of our shoulders. She assured me a Hawaiian wedding surrounded by its tranquil ambience would effortlessly immerse in natural’s beauty from its crystal-clear blue ocean waters and fiery lava flows, to their tall mountain peaks and crashing waterfalls. She made sure things were in place, that I stayed relaxed and focused on my only job, to show up waiting for my bride to walk down the aisle.
And all this time, falling in love was like finally realizing I was home. I’d been drawn to her from the first day we met. Her warm and inviting eyes and magnetic smile softened my tough façade. And now, the day had come.
The cellist began playing Arioso from Bach Cantata. Gen stepped into the chapel first, her pride evident by creating an intimate, memorable, and unforgettable fairytale wedding Bryer had always dreamt of.
And oh man, Bryer’s eyes locked on mine and everything faded into the background. White rose pedals scattered down the aisle, white candles flickered on ornate candelabras. A crystal chandelier swayed above the altar as I waited, each step putting me at ease.
The sun stilled on the horizon, stationary as the moment unfolded. The sky filled with color, reds and burnt orange drifted over her face bathing her in the shimmering light. As if my eyes were playing tricks on me, she appeared as if my magic standing by my side.
“Hi yourself.” I answered, capturing both her hands in mine. “You look gorgeous.”
“Welcome.” Mr Kale’ begun. “Today we’ve come together to celebrate the special union between Nathan and Bryer. To become one in a sanctuary of warmth and peace. To pledge their love, devotion and faith as they join their lives together.” Then he paused, and glanced between us. “It is fitting that we hear from the bride and groom first.”
With my heart pounding a mile a minute, my breath grew shallow. I told myself to remain calm, but I was anything but. When I glanced in her emerald green eyes there was something about her that calmed my demons, giving me the strength to begin.
“Bryer you are my everything and this is my promise to you. I’ve only ever loved one woman and I will not take our time together for granted. I promise to show you, how much I love you, encourage your dreams, make you laugh and hold your hand through the good times and through the bad. I promise to be loyal and faithful and to put you before all else.”
“Take my hand, say yes and share my life with me and I promise we will grow old and gray, we will look back on our lives together with no regrets. Bryer, you are the light in my darkness and I know now that I never really lived until you. Although today marks the start of the rest of our lives, I know it will not be enough time with you. I love you.”
“And Bryer, it’s your turn.” Mr. Kale’ said.
“Nathan, you have become my life’s story, the compass to my soul. I promise to be your partner in all things, to help shoulder our challenges for there is nothing we cannot face if we stand together, we can conquer anything by working together as part of a whole.”
“Having you in my life makes me feel like everything’s possible in this world, when I’m with you, I’m the best version of myself because I am utterly unapologetically myself.
I vow to love you without reservation or conditions to always love you from the deepest part of my being. I’m marrying you today with my heart and my soul and from this day forward I am entirely yours.”
“Do you, Nathan, take Bryer, to be your wife? To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness, in health, to cherish with devoted love and faithfulness 'til death do you part.”
“I do.” I lifted her left hand and slipped an eternity band on her finger.
“Do you, Bryer, take Nathan to be your husband? To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in
sickness, in health, to cherish with devoted love and faithfulness 'til death do you part.”
“I do.” Then smiled, she slipped a simple palatium band on my finger.
“Nathan and Bryer, you have pledged your eternal love to one another and your commitment to live together faithfully in lawful wedlock. By the authority vested in me by the laws of the State of Hawaii, I pronounce you husband and wife. Nathan, you may kiss your bride.
We gazed into each other’s eyes. And her mouth, oh how I wanted to kiss that mouth. In that magical moment I pressed my lips against hers. I felt my body stir as I embraced her closer. The kiss was filled with promises of forever simply feeling each other’s presence as man and wife. And I loved every second of it.
“Without further ado, I proudly announce for the first time Mr. & Mrs. Nathan James.”
Clayton rang a bell twice and announced. “On behalf of both the bride’s and groom’s mothers, we honor their presence.”
Mr. Kale’ gathered the paperwork and we both signed on the dotted line, making the ceremony official.
“I’ll put my authorized seal on it, and mail it off to the county records, it’s all standard procedure.” Mr. Kale’ explained and tucked the document in his coat pocket.
The photographer’s presence blended into the background seamlessly as he captured perfect moments, some spontaneous, some posed as he mingled throughout the ceremony and came up with magically candid snapshots.
“Allow me to record moments, not stage them.” He said as he kept an unobtrusive presence at all times. Several pictures were formally taken, but all others were done in process where no one knew they were being photographed.
Then we crossed the stone clad path and made our way down to the beach, glowing lanterns and torches graced the pathway, outside of the structure was lit from the ground up. A sophisticated sailcloth tent had been constructed, the top completely clear show casing the stars in the nights sky.
The structure sat on the water’s edge creating a dramatic back drop allowing us to embrace the outside setting while show casing the stunning aspects of our surroundings.